writer & educator
Policing and Its Critics, forthcoming.
The 'Lost Cause" of Cultural Studies: Ernesto Laclau After Stuart Hall
PMLA, forthcoming (co-author)
On the Drag of the Ship(ped)
Social and Cultural Geography, forthcoming (co-author)
On the Dilemmas of MAN: Intersections Reconsidered
Know (the) Ledge: Critical Essays on the Limitations of Hip Hop Studies, forthcoming (co-author)
Contest or Die: The Dialectics of Immunology
Practices of Disciplinary Refusal, forthcoming
Rodney King Riots
Oxford Bibliographies in African American Studies, 2024
Ex Aqua in the Mediterranean: Excavating Black Power in the Migrant Question
Modern Migrations, Black Interrogations: Revisioning Migrants and Mobilities through the Critique of Anti-Blackness, 2024 (co-author)
Hip Hop Studies in Black
That's the Joint! The Hip Hop Studies Reader, 2023
Syndicate, 2022.
Public Health Policing and the Case Against Vaccine Mandates
St. Thomas Law Review, 2021.
Slavery and the U.S. Prison System
Global Policy, 2021.
Syndicate, 2021.
Hamilton and the Minstrel Show Remix
Black Agenda Report, 2020 (co-author).
Still Missing and Murdered: Atlanta's Lost Children Address Today's Plague of Police Violence
Black Agenda Report, 2020.
Confronting Pandemic Police Powers
Abolition Journal, 2020
BAR Book Forum: Tryon Woods’ Blackhood Against the Police Power
Black Agenda Report, 2019.
Marronage, Here and There: Liberia, Enslavement's Conversion, and the Settlers-Not
International Labor and Working-Class History, 2019.
Journal of African American History, 2019.
IMixWhatILike!, 2019.
The Implicit Bias of Implicit Bias Theory
Drexel Law Review, 2018.
Can A Leopard Change Its Spots? Undermining the Black Studies Tradition
IMixWhatILike!, 2018.
Putting ‘Afro-Pessimism,’ Intersectionality, and Solidarity to Work
Black Agenda Report, 2018.
‘Stand Your Ground’: Siwatu-Samala Ra and Black Self-Defense II
Black Agenda Report, 2018.
‘Rest in Power’: Stephon Clark and Black Self-Defense I
Black Agenda Report, 2018.
Requiem for Laquan: Policing as Punishment and Prosecuting ‘Reasonable Suspicion'
Temple Law Review, 2017 (co-author).
The Sadism of Anti-Trafficking and the Erasure of Racial Slavery
Open Democracy, 2017 (co-author).
A Luta Continua: Re-Introducing Amilcar Cabral to a New Generation, 2016.
Racial Optimism and the Drag of Thymotics
Conceptual Aphasia in Black: Displacing Racial Formation, 2016 (co-author).
'Something of the Fever and the Fret’: Antiblackness in the Critical Prison Studies Fold
Conceptual Aphasia in Black: Displacing Racial Formation, 2016.
Campaign Cover Stories and Fungible Blackness, Part Two
Abolition Journal, 2016.
Campaign Cover Stories and Fungible Blackness, Part One
Abolition Journal, 2016.
Journal of Popular Music Studies, 2015 (co-author).
Against Hip Hop Studies
On Marronage: Ethical Confrontations with Antiblackness, 2015 (co-author).
A Re-Appraisal of Black Radicalism and Human Rights
On Marronage: Ethical Confrontations with Antiblackness, 2015.
Where is the Danger in Black Studies and Can We Look At It Again (and Again)?
On Marronage: Ethical Confrontations with Antiblackness, 2015 (co-author).
‘Sexual Poetic Justice’: Hip Hop, Antiblack Desire, and Legal Narratives.
Hip Hop and the Law: The Key Writings That Formed the Movement, 2015.
Slavery’s Afterlife in the Mediterranean Basin
Open Democracy, 2015 (co-author).
The Antiblackness of ‘Modern-Day Slavery’ Abolitionism
Open Democracy, 2014.
Ex Aqua: The Mediterranean Basin, Africans on the Move, and the Politics of Policing
Theoria: A Journal of Social and Political Theory, 2014 (co-author).
Journal of Popular Music Studies, 2014 (co-author).
'Beat It Like a Cop': The Erotic Cultural Politics of Punishment in the Era of Post-Racialism
Social Text, 2013.
Surrogate Selves: Notes on Anti-Trafficking and Antiblackness
Social Identities, 2013.
The Flesh of Amalgamation: Reconsidering the Position (and the Labors) of Blackness
American Quarterly, 2013.
Review of From Black Power to Prison Power: The Making of Jones v. North Carolina Prisoners Union
Law & Society Review, 2013.
The Gender Entrapment of Neoliberal Development
Genders, 2012.
Hip Hop and the ‘Post-Racial’ Legal Un-Conscious
Journal of Race, Gender, and Poverty, Southern University Law Center, 2010.
The Plantation Society, circa 2008: Discussing Immigration Through the Lens of Criminology
Radical Teacher, 2009.
The Jena 6 and Black Punishment: Raw Life in the Domain of Non-Existence
Seattle Journal of Social Justice, Seattle University Law School, 2008 (co-author).
The Fact of Anti-Blackness: Decolonization in Chiapas and the Niger River Delta
Human Architecture: Journal of the Sociology of Self-Knowledge, 2007.
Globalizing Social Violence: Race, Gender, and the Spatial Politics of Crisis
American Studies, 2002.
The Violence of Global Spaces: Race, Gender, and Simultaneity
Passages: Interdisciplinary Journal of Global Studies, 2001.